Saturday, November 24, 2007


Well now that my husband became a bird nerd, we spend our Saturdays at bird festivals with numerous other 55+ folks...
To be honest we've only been to one; last weekend we took part in the Fraser Valley Bald Eagle Festival. We saw hundreds of baldies and it was interesting even to me. They weren't close enough to get a good shot with my zoom but I got a pic here of a captive orphaned eagle.

The Canasta Finals

Well, for those of you who were waiting, and I know that's most of you, the results have finally arrived. After playing canasta for a year with a running score, Amy came out on top with a whopping 341,990 to Mark's 296,235. A good year indeed.

Tastes Like Home

Mark & I wowed ourselves with this dinner of vereneki, schmontfat, and farmer sausage.
We had to call Ruthie Pie, just to make sure we would get the most authentically Grandma Wiebe schmontfat, and I have to say for the first try, it was de-lish.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Trick or Treat

Jayda was our only tricker-treater this year, but as they say, quality over quantity right?

More Parents!!!

We greatly enjoyed the company of the Loewen parents for a few days at the end of October. Our first day together we went for a drive up Sumas Mountain and walked around at the top. Beautiful day, beautiful view. In the evening we went to see a movie and then relaxed in the in room jaccuzi at the hotel.
On Saturday we went down to Bellingham in the states where we ate some killer all you can eat fish and chips (see the folks and fish photo below). In the afternoon the boys went exploring along the coast while the ladies spent a few hours in the mall. In the evening we ate more seafood at a lovely seaside restaurant and then headed back to Abby.
On Sunday we went to church, went to a great buffet with Uncle Dwight and the kids, napped at the hotel, watched hotel tv, went out for dinner and enjoyed lovely conversation throughout the eve.
Monday we relaxed some more, ordered pizza, watched football and the like.
Tuesday morning we had breakfast together and then the in-laws were off. Lovely lovely....

Thanksgiving Again

We were lucky to have a large contingent from the Loewen family out a few weeks ago and even got to have turkey dinner all over again.
This pics are of Mark with some uncles and aunties and "little" cousin Zac.