Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The "Finished" Project.

Alrighty, here we are; our house as we know it: lovely, quaint, and undeniably homey. What can we say, big major props to our families....

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

By the By

The "AFTER" photos, soon to come! 

The Low Down

Okay so here's the photo narratives, in a slightly random order:

Kenny in the almost finished house.
Loewen parent's, Mom, and Mark staining the baseboards and casings.
My dear mother's varnishing.
Paul working under the counter top and cupboard that he and dad built.
Mark a workin' in the garden.
Moving the first load in.
Lizzy painting the living room.
Papa tiling the bathroom.
The shiplap before and after it was planed. This wood was used for our counter
Michelle prepping the floors... and providing some comic relief.
Michelle sanding the floor.
Trying to pick our colors
The first paint.
Cousin Carter helping with the paint in the spare room.
Taking a pizza break outside.
The big major mistake color and the redeeming red color in the main bedroom.
The boys in the soon to be trap door. 
Sharon spending the day shoveling cat poop out of our very unfinished basement.
Mom and Liz working on the windows. 

The Bathroom

The House.

Okey dokey. It has been hmmm.... two and a half months since my last visit to the old blog spot. And while I am certain that many of my huge fans are no longer following, I feel like I should do it so Andy's blog no longer shows the embarrassing lack of updates. This and the fact that our house is flippin' awesome. So just to get you primed, here are the BEFORE photos.

Below is our Spare Room, the Kitchen, the Living Room, and the Master Bedroom.

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Sunny Sunday Afternoon

Porch Swings, Girlfriends, Lemon Slushies- need I say more?

The Weekend of Life

Ahhh... Saturday.

Mark & I drove down to the Pembina Hills and ended up at Stanley Park outside of Morden. We made pie iron pizzas and apple pies for dessert. There was frisbee, there was quiet, there was friendship- muy bueno. Our evening ended on Mark's parent's veranda where we watched a movie and slept outside... pictures to come. All together good and beautiful.

Garden Time

Thanks to some pretty sweet owners, we were given access to our yard two months before our possession date. So Mr. Green Thumbs has been in his glory, making our life more full with the anticipation of fresh veggies from our own backyard.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

So, I bought this rundown place on 2nd Avenue
It was a bit of a mess, there was a good bit of work to do
But a couple of my friends helped me see it restored
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord
- Paul Bergman

These are the words that come to mind when I think of our new venture of owning a house, though we will be living on 2nd Street, not Avenue. It's a beautiful mess... like one big art project that will take years; nonetheless, come June 30th, it will be the place we call home. 


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Grandparents.