Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Grandparents.

More From the Road

Here we are in front of our beloved CRV, which fit nearly everything we brought to BC and acquired while there. The second shot is me holding a Starburst ball and a bouncy ball; can you even tell which is which? Thirdly, the Hinds Family: Colleen, Jason, & Isaiah, who hosted us for our second night. Lastly, Mark & Auntie Frank in front of the Famous Cheese Toast restaurant.

The Journey Home

Here are some shots from the drive back to Manitoba. Some Mountain Goats, Big Horn Sheep maybe... Mark playing with his cousin's toys in Calgary; Matthew & David at their toy store in Calgary. We bunked with them for the night.

Our Abbotsford Family.

The long awaited (dreaded??) day came when Mark & I left not only our cozy little home in the Bracewell basement, but more significantly, our friends who we shared our lives with this past year. It was a sad day to be sure. 

Here's a shot of the whole crew during supper the night before we left. 

The Almost Marrieds

A shot of Reuban & Amy during our last lunch together with them in Abbotsford.... sniff sniff.

The Bracewell Girls

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Daffodils from Mark

Supper with Dwight, Jeanette, Arianne, and more!

This was a meaty feast...

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Plans Plans Plans...

For those who haven't heard, Mark & I are moving home in about 11 days. We will be living and working in Altona for the summer and in Fall, Mark will be starting Nursing School at the U of M in Winnipeg. Throughout this time we are planning on still living in Altona and I will be working as he studies. It feels like there have been a lot of changes over the past year, and yet this decision excites us both more than any other direction we have pursued. Good times ahead we hope!


There I was in the line-up at the IGA in Abby. I'd just picked up a movie and was now buying one Delissio pizza, a large bag of chips, a bottle of Coke, and a king-size chocolate bar. I looked at myself and realized that I had become that which I so consistently judge in the supermarket line. Mark & I officially derailed and I have to say we really enjoyed the process.

Easter Weekend and Beyond

With the absence of family, we were privileged to partake in three dinners with friends. On Friday we were with CBC friends, on Saturday we went to the big Bracewell gathering, and on Sunday we were at Ria & Fernando Kuhn's for dinner along with some of their friends. We really enjoyed all three. Below is a picture of Mark & I trying out hands at the Easter egg-cracking game. Basically everyone has an egg and hits it against their neighbors in a very strategic way. If yours does not crack you move on to the next person. The person who's egg does not crack is the winner. It was great fun and I think we'll adopt it in our family as well.

The other two pictures are from the weekend after that where we had a sleepover at the Kuhn's. These pics are from our games marathon on Saturday morning. 

Friday, April 4, 2008

Some Everyday Shots...

The day after our trip we had dinner with our almost married friends Reuben & Amy.

The next weekend we went to see cousin Zac play in the basketball championships.
The last photo is of the most delicious pizza I have ever eaten, compliments of the husband.

The Drive Home

On our way home we took the scenic drive to end up at a little Bavarian village called Leavenworth. Everything was German, even the Cold Stone signs. The drive was incredible, more for those who were awake for it; that being Mark.

More From Down South

Here we have some Lopez's at the Mongolian Grill in Missoula, Amy & Laura during our cross-country ski adventure, and a mother moose and her baby that we saw on the drive home.


Over reading week, Mark & I drove down to Hamilton Montana to visit the Lopez cousins. It was fabulous. Below is Kaleb on the sledding hill; Genesis growling her head off; Genesis eating popcorn; and the cousin in laws just being their cool selves.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Neighbor's

Hmmm... Unfortunately, the photo didn't turn out great. But this was meant to capture the beauty of having upstairs roommates. On a lonely evening, simply holler upstairs and what do you get but two good friends, some tequila, Mexican train, a lot of nachos, and an altogether good time.

Somebody turned One...

Time to leave... note the suitcase.

The fridge welcomed us back so heartily.

For Paul's 25th, we decided to have a family poetry night. Kenny & Ruthie stepped right out of their box and shared a little William Blake with us all... beautiful... 

Some Holiday Highlights

Killer pizza with DNA, Mark with his fellow running nerd Lloyd, and Amy with Sister Andrea.

Grandpa's Christmas Serenade

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Mark & Andrea playing their annual Christmas duet...

Paul opening his gift from the Bergie book exchange!

Amy's long awaited Detective Agency books.

Mmmmm Christmas dinner...

Gingerbread Houses with Erin & Abby on Christmas Eve!